Life Expectancy After Stopping Dialysis: What To Expect

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Life Expectancy After Stopping Dialysis: What To Expect



Updated on January 20, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami

Physical Changes After Stopping Dialysis


5 min read

Dialysis is a crucial treatment for people with kidney failure. It is what sustains their life. For some people, there comes a point where the limitations of dialysis overweigh the benefits.

The decision to stop dialysis is a tough one to make. It affects the individual and their family.

Are you one facing the same challenge? Wondering if you should proceed to stop dialysis for yourself or a near one suffering from kidney failure? Do you want to know about life expectancy after stopping dialysis?

Well, life expectancy after stopping dialysis is a sensitive topic. However, it is important to have an open communication about this.

Join Mykare Health as we explore the conditions of life expectancy after stopping dialysis and the challenges that come with this life-changing decision.

Why People Choose To Stop Dialysis?

The reason for deciding to stop dialysis can be different for each individual. They may have personal reasons for that.

  • Personal Preference: Some people may feel like there is no point in continuing dialysis. They may not experience any sort of progress in the treatment and hence they might decide to stop dialysis.

  • Less effective treatment: In some cases, the individual may experience other side effects as a result of dialysis. The effectiveness of the treatment will be lower with the progression of kidney disease.

  • Aging: Aging is another factor which leads people to make the decision of stopping dialysis. Dialysis treatment may cause extra burden to their health. They may want the quality of life for their remaining time.

Patients are allowed to stop the treatment if they don’t want to. The decision is primarily theirs. Open communication with their family members is also important. Their support also helps individuals get through tough times.

Doctors play a crucial role in helping them make decisions. They can help understand the potential outcomes of their decisions. They will make sure the patient and the family are aware of the further challenges. After all, professional guidance is also needed in this case.

Physical Changes After Stopping Dialysis

Stopping dialysis means your kidneys are also going to stop functioning at a point. You may feel more fatigued after stopping dialysis. There will be a lack of energy and the body will be weak.

The fluid accumulation in the kidney will increase. It will result in swelling. Your legs and ankles will swell in that case.

It can also cause change or loss in appetite. The failure of the kidney will impact the digestive system which will lead to a decrease in food intake. Individuals will also notice changes in metabolism.

Even after stopping dialysis, doctors may give medications. It is to manage the symptoms such as pain, nausea, and fluid retention. But, it can only help the patient to a limited extent.

Life Expectancy: Realistic Expectations

Life expectancy may differ according to individuals. It can depend on factors such as age, other medical conditions, and overall health. Usually, it can be several days or weeks.

The resilience of individuals and managing the symptoms to an extent can influence an increased life expectancy. However, it is sure that they don’t have much time left on their hands.

It is like preparing for your last days. Support and companionship from family and dear ones are important at this point.

Some studies have shown that the average life expectancy of a person who stopped dialysis is 7 to 10 days. But, there are also reports that state the conditions of people who survived for 40 and even 150 days.

So, it totally depends on the individual factors and care. Life expectancy is different for each individual.

Emotional And Psychological Impact

The decision to stop dialysis will take a toll on the emotional health of patients. There will be an emotional toll on their families as well.

  • The patient might experience grief after stopping dialysis. They are now fully aware that they don’t have much time to live. Their families will also share the grief. It will be difficult for them as well.

  • Some may develop anxiety, given the situation. They may be anxious about what lies ahead. There will be an emotional burden. The thought of their families coping with the situation can also add to their anxiety.

  • Coming to terms with the aftereffects of the decision can be difficult. It takes a lot of courage to do so. The patients and the families have to accept the situation. They should get prepared to face the inevitable.

  • Patients can also choose to get counselling if they want. It might help them cope with the situation.

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Focusing On the Quality Of Life

After stopping dialysis, you may only have a limited time in your hands. How to spend that remaining time is important. Individuals mostly try to prioritise the quality of life during this time.

People may seek physical and emotional comfort. They may want to be involved in activities and hobbies that bring them joy and peace. Find ways to make your remaining time meaningful and peaceful.

Some may choose to spend more time with their loved ones. Their company may give them comfort. Emotional support from the people around the patient is equally important.

Priorities during this time may change according to each individual. Preferences of people can also change over time.

In the end, it only depends on them to stop dialysis treatment and how they want to live the rest of their lives.

Key Takeaways

Dialysis is an important treatment for people with kidney failure. Decision to stop dialysis is crucial. It is a sensitive topic as well.

The reasons why people choose to stop dialysis include factors such as personal preference, the treatment being less effective for them, and ageing.

Common physical changes after stopping dialysis include fatigue, weakness, swelling, and loss of appetite.

Usually life expectancy after stopping dialysis is a few days or weeks. There are cases where people have lived up to 150 days after stopping dialysis.

Emotional impact the decision can cause on the patient and their families can include grief and anxiety. It will be difficult for them to come to terms with life after the decision to stop dialysis.

With the limited time the patient has, it is best that they prioritize the quality of the time left. They can spend their time meaningfully according to their choice.

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