When To Go To The Hospital For a Kidney Infection
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When To Go To The Hospital For a Kidney Infection
Updated on February 08, 2024
Medically verified by Dr. Arya
Fact checked by Dr. Pournami
You may know that kidney infections are common. But do you know they need to be treated without neglecting? We tend to treat most of the urinary tract infections at home with home remedies.
But kidney infections need professional care and treatment. If kidney infections are left untreated, it can result in serious health issues.
Wondering when you need to go to the hospital for a kidney infection? Looking for the red flags that could be an appropriate indicator?
No need to worry. Mykare Health is here with some signs and symptoms that indicate you should visit a doctor.
Why Do Kidney Infections Demand Professional Care?
Here, we will discuss why it’s important to seek professional care when you have kidney infections. Many cases of urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be handled with antibiotics and home care. But, a kidney infection requires a more immediate approach.
Because, in kidney infections, getting medical help right away can make a big difference in the healing process. Or else, it could lead to severe consequences, and may make your kidneys very ill. So much so, that it could even lead to kidney failure.
Hold on before you get scared. Understanding kidney infections is the first step to crack the deal.
Understanding Kidney Infections
Kidney infections are a kind of urinary tract infection. They are caused by a bacteria or virus. When the bacteria or virus enters the urinary tract through urethra, it causes infections.
Common symptoms of kidney infection are:
Fever and chills: Do you have a persistent high fever ? It can be a sign of a serious infection. Through raising the body temperature, your body is actually trying to fight the infection. Other symptoms of the infection are sweating and chills.
Back and side pain: If you have back, side or groin pain, especially if it’s severe or persistent, it could be a sign of kidney infection.
Urinary symptoms: Blood in your urine, cloudy or foul smelling urine and increased frequency of urination could be signs of a kidney infection.
Vomiting or nausea: There is a chance for vomiting or nausea if you have kidney infections.
It's crucial to remember that not every symptom listed above may indicate a kidney infection. Get help right once if you start experiencing symptoms that could indicate a kidney infection.
When Should You Get A Kidney Infection Treated?
Kidney infections are dangerous and need to be treated right away to avoid consequences. Estimates from a 2019 study indicate that kidney infections cause 250,000 doctor visits and 200,000 hospital admissions in the US annually. The numbers in India are even bigger.
It might be difficult to decide where to go for medical care, particularly if you're in real pain. Here's how to determine when to seek professional help.
Let’s help you identify when you need to make an appointment with a doctor.
When To Make An Appointment With A Doctor?
You can make an appointment with a doctor to get evaluated if you have any of the general symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Among these signs are:
Painful and urgent urination
Cloudy, bad-smelling, or bloody urine
Stomach ache
Bladder or pelvic pressure
When To Visit The Hospital Or Get Urgent Treatment?
Certain signs indicate a more serious infection that requires immediate medical intervention. If you experience any of the following symptoms, which might or might not come with the other UTI symptoms mentioned above, go to a hospital immediately.
Side or back ache
Nausea or vomiting
Serious problems may arise from kidney infections. Never be afraid to get help if something doesn't seem right.
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What would happen if you choose not to get treatment?
Serious consequences may arise from a kidney infection if left untreated. These could include:
Injuries to the kidneys
Kidney damage is one of the main consequences of an untreated kidney infection. Your kidneys might not perform as well as they should when this occurs. You may also get chronic kidney diseases.
High blood pressure
Waste materials are filtered out of your blood by your kidneys. High blood pressure may result if a kidney infection affects the blood vessels that supply the kidneys.
Kidney failure
Kidney failure may result from serious damage caused by an infection in the kidneys. At that point, the waste materials in your blood cannot be removed by your kidneys.
Sepsis may happen if the infection spreads from your kidneys into your blood. The body may experience deep inflammation as a result of the immune system's strong reaction to an infection. It may harm several organ systems, resulting in organ failure and septic shock. In extreme circumstances, it may lead to death as well.
Among the warning signs and symptoms of this possibly deadly condition are:
Low BP
High fever
High heart rate
Increased respiratory frequency
In order to stop sepsis from causing multisystem organ failure and death, severe treatment is required.
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
A possibly deadly disease known as emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) results from an accumulation of gas produced by bacteria in the kidneys. Kidney tissue is quickly destroyed by this.
Diabetes patients are likely to experience EPN.
Is It Really A Kidney Infection?
Another common disease might be the cause of your symptoms. So, how do you exactly identify if you’re having a kidney infection and not something else?
Just keep a close watch on the following few illnesses that may be puzzling as they do share common signs as that of kidney infection.
Other UTIs: In addition to these symptoms, other forms of UTIs, such as those affecting the bladder and urethra, can also produce stomach pain, bloody urine, and painful urination.
Kidney stones: Hard deposits of substances such as uric acid or calcium accumulate in the kidneys to create kidney stones.
They may cause nausea and vomiting, pain in the back, side and stomach when they get stuck in the kidneys. -
Lower back pain: If your main concern is low back pain, you might have a lower back-related illness. Injuries, degenerative disc disease, and nerve compression are a few examples.
Pregnancy: Early pregnancy symptoms include nausea, frequent urination, and cramping in the abdomen. You may mistake these symptoms as kidney infection. It's better to consult with a doctor to confirm what's wrong.
Kidney infections can be serious and need urgent treatments. If they are accompanied by high fever, severe pain, or dehydration, you should consult a doctor immediately.
Mykare Health is here to help you find the best doctors in the best hospitals. Effective management is possible by being aware of the symptoms and knowing when to seek medical attention in a hospital. Early intervention assures a quicker recovery by reducing discomfort and preventing any problems.
Always remember to take care of your urinal health by drinking enough water and seeking proper treatments when necessary.
Kidney infection symptoms include fever, nausea and blood in the urine.
Make an appointment with a doctor if you have painful urination, blood in the urine, stomach ache etc.
If you don’t get treatment, kidney injuries, high bp, kidney failure and sepsis can occur.