Know Your Procedure - Circumcision Procedure Step-by Step
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Know Your Procedure - Circumcision Procedure Step-by Step

Updated on February 19, 2025

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami

5 min read
Are you someone who is ready to undergo circumcision surgery? Do you have very little to no knowledge about the procedure? Are you worried how the procedure is done?
Well, you have nothing to worry about, we are here to help you.
You may already know what Circumcision is. But, before deep diving into the procedure, let’s recapitulate what it is.
The skin covering the tip of your penis is called foreskin. Sometimes, this foreskin is removed surgically. This might be because of religious, cultural or medical reasons. Be it any reason, circumcision is now performed all around the world.
If you are someone who decided to go under circumcision, it is important for you to make an informed decision. Do not worry, we are here to help you.
Step-by-step procedure of Circumcision
There are different kinds of circumcisions. The major 3 ones are - the Gomco Clamp, the Plastibell Device and the Mogen Clamp. Though different instruments are used for surgery, all of them have similar kinds of preparation and post procedure care.
Now let us see them one by one.
The Gomco Clamp Circumcision
Like any other medical surgery, your medical history will be reviewed.
Depending on your age and medical conditions, you will be given local or anaesthesia. By giving anaesthesia, the area which is to undergo surgery will be numbed.
You will be laid on the examination table. And your penis and the area surrounding it will be cleaned using antiseptic solutions. By this, your risk of getting an infection will be reduced.
In this circumcision Gomco Clamp is the instrument used. It has a bell shaped base, a plate and a screw. This clamp is placed on your penis and the foreskin is separated from the head of your penis.
The foreskin which is in excess is placed over the bell shaped base. Remember that there is a plate? It is placed over this.
Then the Gomco clamp is assembled and will be tightened. This will compress the foreskin against the plate.
When the clamp is secure in the right position, your surgeon will make an incision using a scalpel. And by this, excess foreskin will be removed.
Then your doctor will clean the area and the area undergone surgery will be dressed to keep it clean and sterile. This way you can avoid infection too.
Your doctors will give you instructions on how to keep the area clean and what kind of ointment and medicine you should follow.
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The Plastibell Circumcision
Your medical history will be reviewed to identify any kind of underlying medical conditions.
You will be given a local or general anaesthesia depending on your age and other conditions.
You will be laid on a surgical table and your penis and the area surrounding it will be thoroughly cleaned.
In this kind of surgery, the device used is Plastibell. It is a small plastic ring with a handle.
The surgery team will separate your foreskin and head of the penis.
Depending upon the size of your penis a particular plastibell will be selected.
And the plastibell will be placed over the head or the glans of the penis.
Now, excess foreskin will be pulled over the plastibell tightly. A suture or ligature will be used to tie the foreskin tightly to the groove of the plastibell.
There will be excess foreskin outside the plastibell. This will be trimmed.
Usually, the handle of the plastibell is cut off and that way the remaining plastic ring will be in the correct place.
This plastic ring will help your foreskin to separate and it will fall off in a week or something.
Your surgeon and doctors will clean the area and will give you instructions on how to take care after the surgery.
The Mogen Clamp Circumcision
The initial preparation is similar to the other kind of circumcisions we discussed earlier.
Your health condition will be assessed, you will be placed on the examination table. You will be given a local or general anaesthesia depending upon your age and your medical conditions.
Your penis and surrounding areas of it will be cleaned using an antiseptic solution.
Surgeon will then separate the foreskin and the head of your penis.
The Mogen Clamp will then be placed over your foreskin and it will be secured.
It has a shield which will protect the head of your penis and only the excess foreskin outside the clamp will be removed. So you don't have to worry about your penis.
By a surgical incision, your doctor will remove the excess foreskin.
They will also dress the surgical site to keep it clean and in order for it to not get infected.
They will also provide you with specific instructions on how to take care of yourself after the surgery.
Now that you’re aware of the procedure - step-by-step, please make sure to get in touch with your healthcare professional to know which one is apt for you. An informed decision is always the healthiest choice.
Circumcision has become a common procedure all around the world and it has cultural, religious and medical significance.
It is the surgical removal of foreskin from your penis.
There are many different kinds of circumcisions, the major three being the Gomco Clamp, The Plastibell, and the Mogen Clamp Circumcision.
In all these circumcision, only the instrument varies and most of the pre surgery and post surgery procedures are similar.
In all of the surgeries your underlying medical conditions are thoroughly checked.
You will be given a general or local anaesthesia depending upon your age and your medical conditions.
Your penis and surrounding area are thoroughly cleaned using antiseptic solution. This is done to reduce the risk of any infections.
Depending upon the kind of surgery you choose, the surgeon will choose the specific instrument for your foreskin removal.
They will clean the area and the area which has undergone surgery will be dressed to keep it clean and sterile.
Your doctor will also give you specific instructions on how to keep the area clean after the surgery. They will also provide you with necessary medications.
Most of the time recovery period is 1-2 weeks. You will be able to go back to your normal life in no time.
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American Family Physician