Kidney Cleanse: Effective Detoxification Methods
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Kidney Cleanse: Effective Detoxification Methods

Updated on January 15, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami

6 min read
Wondering what could happen if your kidneys are not cleaned? Uncleaned kidneys could adversely affect the functioning of the organ and mess up with other organs in your body.
Your body contains toxins, waste products and excess water. If they are not removed from the kidneys on time, it will start to affect your body in several ways.
It can cause you trouble in the form of exhaustion, stomach pain, water retention, headaches etc.
Also, if these toxins and other waste products continue to build up in your body, it can even result in kidney stones.
Sounds worrisome? Not really. All you need to know is the ways to clean your kidneys.
So, how exactly do you clean your kidneys? In case you’re not aware, there are several detoxification methods that can help in kidney cleansing and amp up your overall health.
Why is Kidney Cleansing?
By now, you might have understood the importance of kidneys in your body.
Kidney keeps your whole body healthy and safe by removing toxins and wastes from it.
By cleansing your kidneys, you can improve their function. How? By adding certain food, drinks, and herbs to your diet.
Always remember to consult your doctor in case you have any doubts and to ensure that you are following the correct regimen.

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Effective detoxification Methods
Here are some of the easy detoxification hacks you can follow at home to cleanse your kidneys.
Drink plenty of water
You already might know how important water is for each of your organs.
Kidneys are the filtration system of your body. When you pee, the toxins and other unwanted materials are removed from your body, which were earlier filtered by your kidneys. Suppose you drink very little water. You won’t pee much either. What will happen then? Of course, the amount of toxins expelled from your body will also decrease. What will be the result? Your kidney might not function well and can result in kidney stones. Now you know why drinking plenty of water is important. According to experts, if you are a man, you need 3.7 litres of water a day, and if you are a woman, your water intake should be 2.7 liters. Drinking enough water is good for your whole body since it helps in digesting the food, keeping your skin healthy and other similar body functions.
Reduce the salt intake
By including too much salt in your diet, you are risking the health of your kidney and your overall health.
Doctors say, one only needs about 2300 mg of sodium a day. So, you must work on reducing sodium intake.
One way you can reduce the sodium intake is by avoiding or eating less processed food.
Also, there are certain food, and herbs which can be used to cleanse your kidneys. Let us see what they are.
There is a plant compound called resveratrol and it can help to lower kidney inflammation.
Resveratrol can be found in peanuts and grapes
So, remember to include peanuts and grapes in your diet, if you are planning to keep your kidneys healthy.
Potassium helps to lower the acidity of your urine and prevents the formation of kidney stones. It also prevents minerals from crystallising. Plus, it has a role in the removal of toxins and other unwanted materials from your body.
Pomegranate is rich in potassium. Include pomegranate in your diet to improve your kidney health.
Eating cranberries decreases the chances of urinary tract infections.
So cranberries are another fruit you have to include in your diet, if you want healthy kidneys.
Fruit Juices
There is calcium in your urine which could lead to the formation of kidney stones. If your diet contains citrate, it will bind with the calcium in your urine and prevent this from happening.
Lemon, oranges, etc are some of the food items which contain citric acid.
Try to include any of these citrus fruit juice in your daily diet.
Diluted lemon juice dissolves calcium oxalate crystals in your kidney and reduces the chance of kidney stone formation.
By drinking lemon juices, you get your blood filtered. It also helps to flush out toxins from your body.
They are rich in both fibre and magnesium. Both are important in cleansing the kidney and reducing the risk of kidney stones.
If you want to cleanse and improve kidney health, first soak the dates for 24 hours in water. Before eating it, remember to remove the seeds.
Potassium salts are present in the watermelons. And they can regulate the acidity of your urine. This way watermelon ensures no kidney stone formation.
Watermelons are slightly diuretic, ie, they have the capacity to increase the production of urine. This way the kidney can remove unwanted salts and water from your body.
Pumpkin Seeds
Uric acid can cause kidney stones. If you include pumpkin seeds in your diet, uric acid won't accumulate and build up in your kidney. Thus, pumpkin seeds can help you detoxify your kidney.
Celery has alkaline properties. It also has diuretic properties.Both these properties improve the filtering function of your kidney.
Apple Cider Vinegar
For your kidneys to remain healthy, there should be antioxidants in your body, you should have a reduced blood pressure and your blood sugar level should be well balanced. If your diet includes apple cider vinegar, you can make sure of all three.
The citric acid in them can dissolve kidney stones. If your daily diet includes apple cider vinegar, it also helps in releasing toxins from your body.
Kidney Beans
Vitamin B, Fibres and other minerals in Kidney beans increase the health of the urinary tract and keep the kidney clean.
They also remove the toxin and unwanted materials from your kidney. They can even flush out kidney stones.
Basil is a herb with diuretic properties. It helps your kidney by decreasing the uric acid level in your blood. Its ingredients will break down the kidney stones and it will also make sure that they are removed from your body safely. This is how basil improves the health and functioning of your kidney.
Dandelion Tea
Tea which is made of dandelion can also help you keep your kidney clean.
Now that you already know the natural detoxifying hacks to cleanse your kidneys, make sure to use them and make your kidneys more effective, and healthy.
Kidneys are one of the most important organs of your body.
It helps your body in removing excess water, toxins and other waste products from your body.
If they are not removed, it will affect the functioning of your kidney or might cause kidney stone formation.
Kidney cleansing ensures the healthy functioning of your kidney.
Drinking plenty of water and reducing salt consumption are effective detoxification methods.
Including Grapes, Pomegranate, Cranberries, different kind of juices, Dates, Water melon, Pumpkin seeds, Celery, Apple Cider Vinegar, Kidney Beans, Basil and Dandelion Tea in your diet can also help you detoxify your kidney and improve its health.
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Advanced Urology Institute
Very Well Health