Can GFR Be Improved? Strategies For Better Kidney Function
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Can GFR Be Improved? Strategies For Better Kidney Function

Updated on February 08, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami

5 min read
You might know about the fact that your kidneys play an important role in filtering waste fluids from blood, keeping them healthy. There are certain indicators to measure how efficiently your kidneys perform this function.
One such indicator is Glomerular Filtration Rate or GFR. Want to know how GFR works? How can you improve GFR to improve your kidney health?
Mykare Health will help you understand all about GFR and how you can improve it. Curious about how you can do it? Let’s dive in.
Overview of Kidney Functioning
Kidney is a vital organ that helps in the body purification. Through urination it flushes out extra minerals that are not usable for the body or may affect the health.
For the normal functioning of the whole body it is necessary that the kidney should work in a good way.
The basic functions that kidney have are:
The primary function of the kidneys is to filter the blood
The kidneys play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure
The kidneys help regulate the body's acid-base balance
Overview of Glomerular Filtration Rate
One of the most important metrics for assessing kidney function is the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), which is the speed at which blood passes through the glomeruli, or the cleaning units in your kidneys, in a given amount of time.
For the sake of general renal health, it is essential to maintain an ideal GFR because any variations from the norm may point to potential kidney dysfunction and cause a number of problems.
This thorough investigation explores various approaches to raising GFR and promoting improved renal function. We will discuss a variety of medical procedures and lifestyle changes intended to address the complex interactions between variables influencing GFR.

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Factors affecting GFR
Hydration: Water is a fundamental component that supports kidney function. Filtration organs, the kidneys are essential in clearing the blood of waste materials and extra fluid.
Sufficient fluid intake guarantees that the kidneys receive a sufficient amount of blood, which aids in the filtration procedure. On the other hand, dehydration can cause a drop in blood volume, which can set off a compensatory mechanism in which the kidneys hold onto water, which in turn causes a decrease in GFR.
How nutrition affects Glomerular Filtration Rate: The key to promoting kidney health and affecting GFR is eating a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet.
Nutritional decisions can support or compromise renal function; special attention should be paid to diseases like diabetes and hypertension that can negatively impact GFR.
Controlling blood pressure is crucial for kidney function: A serious health issue, hypertension damages the kidneys and lowers GFR as a result. Maintaining renal health requires appropriate blood pressure management.
Modifications in lifestyle, such as the consumption of low-sodium diets, frequent exercise, and stress reduction methods, can assist manage hypertension.
Antihypertensive drugs are necessary for sustained hypertension in order to keep blood pressure normal and safeguard the kidneys. To develop an intervention that satisfies each patient's unique health needs and raises GFR, doctors and patients must work together.
Diabetes and Glycemic Management: Blood sugar management is crucial for diabetics in order to preserve GFR and avoid renal injury. Diabetes-related kidney damage and a decline in GFR can cause diabetic nephropathy, a condition brought on by high blood sugar levels.
A comprehensive strategy that includes a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and medication adherence is needed to treat diabetes. It's crucial to include these foods in your diet to promote overall kidney health and lessen the impact of diabetes on renal function.
Controlling the consumption of protein: A balanced diet should include plenty of protein because it is essential to numerous bodily functions. However, eating too much protein can strain the kidneys, damaging them and lowering glomerular filtration rate. Finding the ideal balance between renal health and a sufficient protein intake is crucial.
Patients on kidney dialysis should watch what they eat very carefully and consult a physician or qualified dietician for advice.
Tailored dietary guidelines can assist in adjusting protein consumption to particular requirements in order to maintain renal function at its best while fulfilling dietary needs.
Exercise's contribution to maintaining kidney function: The foundation for maintaining general health, including renal function, is regular physical exercise. Exercise improves heart health, blood pressure regulation, and weight control—all of which can lower GFR.
Retaining nephrotoxic medications to preserve renal function: Nephrotoxic, or harmful to the kidneys, is the term used to describe over-the-counter treatments and medications. Medications that might induce kidney failure include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), some antibiotics, and media used in medical procedures.
Give up smoking: It is a crucial step for kidney health Smoking increases the risk of kidney disease by reducing blood flow to the kidneys' blood vessels. The toxic compounds in cigarette smoke cause kidney injury and inflammation, which lowers GFR.
Handling long-term medical conditions: Kidney function can be impacted by chronic illnesses such autoimmune diseases and heart disease.
To stop additional kidney damage, these disorders must be effectively managed with a mix of medication, lifestyle modifications, and routine physical exams.
Frequent observation and health examinations: For the early identification of any anomalies, regular monitoring of kidney function by blood tests and physical examinations is crucial.
Prompt management, guided by monitoring outcomes, can avert further decline in renal function and alleviate possible consequences.
Now you may know why many approaches are crucial for raising the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and curing renal disease overall. Drinking water, eating well, managing diabetes and blood pressure, exercising moderately, staying away from nephrotoxic drugs, quitting smoking, and managing chronic illnesses are among strategies.
You can take significant action to preserve and enhance your kidney function by employing these techniques, which will ultimately lead to health and a long life.
The primary functions of kidneys include filtering the blood, regulating blood pressure, and regulating the body's acid-base balance.
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is an important metric for assessing kidney function. It is essential to maintain an ideal GFR in order to maintain healthy kidneys.
Factors affecting GFR include hydration, nutrition, diabetes and glycemic management, protein consumption, diet, medications, and medical conditions.
Increasing GFR is important for kidney health. It can be done through methods such as drinking water, eating well, managing diabetes and blood pressure, exercising moderately, staying away from nephrotoxic drugs, quitting smoking, and managing chronic ill