Home Remedies for Heartburn

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Home Remedies for Heartburn



Updated on June 25, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Sreemoyee

Herbal Remedies for heart burn


7 min read

The burning feeling you may get in your chest is actually referred to as heartburn and is due to acids from the stomach flowing back into the oesophagus.

If the stomach acid regurgitates to the oesophagus it causes irritation and pain and this is referred to as heartburn.

This condition, however, while not serious in many cases, can cause some discomfort.

Fortunately, there are a lot of home remedies that may be employed to decrease the incidence of heartburn. Mykare Health is here to give you an idea of some of the best home remedies when it comes to the situation of heartburns.

Dietary Modifications

a. Avoid Trigger Foods: Some of the foods that cause heartburn include; Spicy foods, garlic, junk foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, carrots, alcohol, chocolate, and peppermint.

b. Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals: And many a time, such large portions and portions that are consumed at once put a lot of pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is a muscle that opens up and leads to the stomach and also prevents food from moving back up into the oesophagus. This pressure can however be prevented through the following guidelines such as regularly taking small meals at ease.

c. Avoid Eating Before Bedtime:c. Avoid Eating Before Bedtime: One of the main reasons is that laying down immediately after a meal may cause acid reflux. As for the frequency of meals, it is desirable to skip meals and go to bed 2-3 hours after dinner.

Lifestyle Changes

a. Elevate the Head of Your Bed: Raising the head of your bed by about 6-8 inches can help prevent stomach acid from rising into the oesophagus while you sleep. This can be done either by placing the blocks beneath the bedposts or the use of a wedge pillow.

b. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity and overweight individuals or those who have more fats around their stomach area are likely to have acid reflux because the fats exert pressure on the stomach and the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Considering that starvation is the shedding of pounds without exercising, losing weight through diet and exercise can effectively lessen heartburn symptoms.

c. Quit Smoking: decreases the function of LES and due to this, stomach acid gets to find it easier to push its way into the oesophagus. Smoking is a common cause that weakens the LES and may lead to severe cases of heartburn, but this vice can be eliminated through quitting, hence improving the situation.

d. Wear Loose-Fitting Clothes: Clothing, which is tight especially around the waist, tends to apply pressure to the stomach and consequently, push acid to the esophagus. Avoid these clothes for that reason and instead wear clothes that are a little loose.

Natural Remedies

a. Baking Soda: Sodium bicarbonate or otherwise known as baking soda is an antacid. Drinking a glass of water with adding a teaspoon of baking soda to it helps reduce the effect of stomach acids, offering heartburn relief for some time. However, this remedy should not be taken often as it comes along with side effects such as increased intake of sodium.

b. Aloe Vera Juice: Aloe vera juice can soothe the oesophagus and reduce inflammation. Drinking half a cup of aloe vera juice before meals can help prevent heartburn. Ensure that the juice is specifically prepared for internal use.

c. Apple Cider Vinegar: Although acidic, apple cider vinegar is believed to balance stomach acid levels and reduce heartburn. Mixing a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drinking it before meals can help.

d. Ginger: A substance found in ginger is anti-inflammatory and it can be helpful in cases of acid reflux. That is why having ginger with meals, ginger tea, or even just a small piece of ginger that can be chewed helps with heartburn.

e. Chewing Gum: Chewing gum helps in stimulating secretion of saliva that helps in getting rid of stomach acid and pushing it back into the stomach. Go for sugar free gum, this will help you over the concern of more calorie intake and other teeth related problems.

f. Licorice Root: Many forward-looking traditions have used licorice root for digestive complaints. DGL licorice supplements can build up a protective barrier on the lining of the oesophagus thus decreasing the effect of stomach acid.

Herbal Remedies

a. Chamomile Tea: It helps in the reduction of stomach inflammation as well as regulates the PH level of the stomach. Drinking chamomile tea before going to bed also has a soporific effect and strengthens sleep.

b. Slippery Elm: Slippery elm is a herb that can thicken the mucous lining of the stomach, creating a stronger barrier against acid. It can be taken as a tea, powder, or lozenge.

c. Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow root has mucilage, which can coat and protect the oesophagus. It can be consumed as a tea or taken in capsule form.

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Behavioural Changes

a. Practise Mindful Eating: Slowly eating food while being fully aware of your bodily senses can forestall overeating and diminish the chances of experiencing hearburn. Set enough time for chewing your food well and keep distractions away during meals.

b. Stress Management: Stress can worsen or accelerate the symptoms of heartburn. Stress levels are managed by activities such as yoga, meditation, deep breaths, and exercising regularly.


a. Drink Water: Consuming water will dilute the stomach acid and promote digestion. Drinking fluids throughout the day may prevent heartburn but it is not advisable to take large amounts during meal times because it raises intra-abdominal pressure.

b. Herbal Infusions: Digestion enhancers made from fennel seeds, aniseed, or caraway seeds can assist in controlling acid reflux symptoms. These plants have a carminative effect that helps in removing gasses from the digestive system as well as calming down its inflammation.


Good bacteria known as probiotics can enhance digestion system performance by improving gut health. Probiotic- rich foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi,etc can help sustain a healthy balance of gut bacteria thus diminishing reflux symptoms.

Avoiding Carbonated Beverages

It is possible for one’s belly to swell when he or she drinks fizzy drinks hence causing his or her LES to be more pressurized than before leading to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Instead go for tap water or even choose herbal teas.

Monitor and Adjust

a. Keep a Food Diary: Keeping record of meals you have consumed and at what time you feel the heartburn can help in determining triggers for it. These triggers can be avoided or managed better.

b. Consult a Healthcare Professional: If simple at home treatments and changes in ways of living do not bring relief from heartburn, it is crucial that one consults a health practitioner. Prolonged heartburn may indicate a more serious ailment like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Diet and lifestyle changes may help reduce or relieve a burning sensation in the stomach or chest. Most people find that heartburn can be eased with careful food choices and natural remedies when necessary and avoiding the triggers that cause acid reflux.

Nonetheless, it is also a reminder to be seen by a healthcare professional if either the frequency or the intensity of the heartburn is particularly high in order to check for underlying conditions.

Key Takeaways

Avoid certain foods that can make heartburn worse, like spicy foods, chocolate, and soda. Eating healthier foods can help.

Instead of eating big meals, eat smaller ones more often to avoid pressure on your stomach.

Wait a few hours after eating before lying down to avoid heartburn.

Raise the head of your bed to keep stomach acid down while you sleep.

If you are overweight, losing some weight can help reduce heartburn.

Smoking makes heartburn worse, so quitting is a good idea.

Tight clothes can press on your stomach and cause heartburn, so wear loose clothes.

Natural remedies like baking soda, aloe vera juice, and ginger can help with heartburn.

Drinking chamomile tea can help calm your stomach.

Chewing gum makes more saliva, which can help stop heartburn.

Drink water throughout the day to help with digestion.

Avoid fizzy drinks because they can cause your stomach to swell and lead to heartburn.

Keep a diary of what you eat to find out what causes your heartburn.

If heartburn doesn’t get better with these tips, talk to a doctor.

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Mykare Health sources its information according to strict guidelines, consulting scholarly research centres, peer-reviewed periodicals, and societies for medical professionals. No tertiary references are used by us. Please refer to our editorial policy. to learn how we maintain the accuracy and timeliness of our material.

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