How to lower Blood pressure quickly

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How to lower Blood pressure quickly



Updated on June 26, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Sreemoyee

How to lower Blood pressure quickly


8 min read

You may be aware that high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition that, if left unmanaged, can lead to severe health complications like heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

Understanding how to regulate your blood pressure is essential for maintaining overall health and preventing these serious issues.

Are you hypertensive? Struggling to find ways to control your high blood pressure? Well, there are several ways by which you can do so.

These methods range from immediate strategies such as medications and quick lifestyle changes that help prevent hypertension in the long run.

In this blog by Mykare Health, you'll learn about the importance of diet, exercise, stress management, and ongoing treatment in controlling blood pressure.

By adding these strategies into your daily routine, you can improve your well-being and lower the risk of severe health complications due to high blood pressure .

Ready to dive in? Read on to know how you can check your steeping BP.

Understanding Blood Pressure

  • Blood pressure is measured using two figures: divided into diastolic and systolic quantities.
  • Systolic pressure (first figure): Shows the pressure that your heart subjects your artery walls to each time they pump blood.
  • Diastolic pressure (second figure): Shows the force with which your heart pushes the blood against the side of the artery at rest in-between the heartbeat.
  • Normal blood pressure: Hypertensive patient is considered to be one who has blood pressure readings of 120/80 mm Hg and above. 1.120- represents the pressure at which the heart pumps blood to the arteries. 2.80- denotes the blood pressure on the lower side, the diastolic pressure.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) is diagnosed when:- Hypertension (high blood pressure) is diagnosed when:
  • It is frequently found that the patients’ blood pressure readings are over 140/90 mm Hg.
  • Either of them is either 90 mm Hg or more or the systolic pressure is 140 mm Hg or more.
  • Treatment for hypertension may include:- Treatment for hypertension may include:
  • Medications.
  • Lifestyle modifications.
  • Supervision of levels of blood pressure.

Immediate Steps to Lower Blood Pressure

1.Controlled Breathing and Exercises

The following is one of the techniques that can be used so as to be able to lower the blood pressure as well as stress level; deep breathing. Belly breathing enhances the operation of the parasympathetic system and thus decreases the heart rate.

Method: Sit in a comfortable position, breathe in through your nose, hold your breath for some time, preferably about three seconds and blow out through the mouth. Continue to do this for approximately 5-10 minutes.

2.Use of Cold Compress

If for example you take cold compress on your neck, or on the wrists circulation is affected hence lowering blood pressure. Method: Tie a wet, cool towel or an ice pack on your neck for a quarter to half an hour.

3.Drinking Water

One of the more severe consequences of dehydration is high blood pressure or what is known scientifically as hypertension. The consumption of a glass or two of water helps in re-establishing the normal body fluid volume and possibly reducing blood pressure.

4.Physical Activity

The probability of high blood pressure reduces when one takes a short walk or does some light exercises since it aids in circulation and reduces stress hormones. Method: Take a light 10-15 min of walk and ensure that one is breathing deeply and all the body muscles are relaxed.

Dietary Adjustments for Quick Results

1. Potassium-Rich Foods

Since potassium prevents sodium from accumulating in your cells, it creates tension in blood vessels. Foods: Bananas, oranges, spinach, yams, avocados.

2. Reduce Sodium Intake

Sodium raises the blood pressure by causing the body to accumulate more fluids that in turn raises the blood volume. Strategy: Do not take foods that have been preserved, try not to take foods from fast foods and always read labels to select low sodium products.

3.Dark Chocolate

Flavonoids present in dark chocolate are known to make blood vessels dilate and it is recommended that a small amount of dark chocolate be taken. Recommendation: Use dark chocolate that has a cocoa content of 70 percent and above and eat the recommended portion of a small chocolate that is approximately one ounce.

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Long-Term Strategies for Blood Pressure Management

1. Regular Physical Activity

Regular exercise helps place repair on the heart so that the heart pumps blood without stressing the arteries.

Routine: Ideally, the adult should aim at doing at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise in a week coupled with muscle or bone strengthening activities that are done at least twice in a week.

2. Healthy Diet

Dietary approaches that have been found to reduce BP include; the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).

Components: Prominent attention should be paid.

3. Weight Management

Reduced stress on the blood vessels; will improve health status because the management has ended health complications related to over-weighting.

4. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine

Both of them contain purine bases that if taken in large quantities, can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Guidelines: It suggested that women should have no more than one standard unit of alcohol per day and men not more than two. For caffeine, measure the effects it has on the blood pressure, and if the effects are negative limit the product.

5. Quit Smoking

Smoking affects the blood vessels by damaging them and increasing the rate at which arteries become rigid making the blood pressure to rise.

Support: Look for treatment to stop smoking, it could be in the form of programs to undergo, medication to take or counselling and support groups to attend.

Natural Supplements and Herbs

Recommendations from the study show that there are some supplements and herbs that may be useful in controlling blood pressure.

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Present in fish oil, these fats are known to lower high blood pressure through the decrease of inflammation and other heart related factors.

Dosage: 1-2 grams per day, it is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor.

2. Magnesium

This mineral works by helping to relax the blood vessels to help prevent and possibly decrease high blood pressure.

Sources: In their natural form, nuts and seeds are very healthy as well as whole grains and green leafy vegetables. They can be used where there is inadequacy in the nutrient's dietary provision.

3. Garlic

Supplements derived from garlic have been found to produce a small positive effect on the regulation of blood pressure because of their action on blood vessels.

Form: Real garlic or GAE supplements, whether using fresh garlic or using aged garlic to create supplements.

Monitoring and Medical Intervention

One of the necessities for managing high blood pressure is constant examinations done under the doctor’s supervision.

1. Home Blood Pressure Monitors

A home monitor may help to monitor blood pressure and can give an indication as to how lifestyle changes and treatments are working.

2. Medications

At times, medical intervention may prove necessary even after a change in the patient’s lifestyle. Types: Antihypertensive drugs are classified into diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers. Consultation: One should never switch or begin new medications without a doctor’s instructions or approval.

Stress Management

Stress has been proved to have a close link to hypertension; hence stress is a leading factor to high blood pressure. Stress management strategies have to be worked out with specificity.

1. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness meditation which is a type of meditation can also assist in alleviation of stress and consequently decrease blood pressure. Practice: Take time to reflect for 10-20 minutes each day and just concentrate on your breathing.

2. Yoga and Tai Chi

These practices involve exercise, rotations, and breathing techniques to create positive changes in body functions including lowering of stress and blood pressure.

The treatment of elevated blood pressure is not a one-stop-opportunity and starts right from the moment with certain actions that a patient should stick to, changing his lifestyle, dieting, and, perhaps, taking medication.

Thus, by implementing these approaches, it is possible to get the blood pressure reduced and, therefore, minimize the possibilities of the consequences of hypertension.

Please always seek professional advice from your doctor before you make drastic changes to your lifestyle and your health program if you have any pre-existing medical condition or you are taking any medication.

Key Takeaways

Blood pressure is measured as systolic (heartbeats) and diastolic (heart at rest). Normal: 120/80 mm Hg.

Hypertension: Diagnosed with readings of 140/90 mm Hg and above.

Immediate Steps: Controlled Breathing: Deep breathing reduces heart rate., Cold Compress: Apply a cold towel/ice pack to the neck., Drink Water: Stay hydrated., Physical Activity: Take a 5-10 minute walk.

Dietary Adjustments: Eat potassium-rich foods., Reduce sodium intake., Consume dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher).

Long-Term Strategies: Exercise regularly., Follow a healthy diet (DASH)., Maintain a healthy weight., limit alcohol/caffeine., Quit smoking.

Natural Supplements: Omega-3s, magnesium, garlic.

Stress Management: Practice mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi.

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Mykare Health sources its information according to strict guidelines, consulting scholarly research centres, peer-reviewed periodicals, and societies for medical professionals. No tertiary references are used by us. Please refer to our editorial policy. to learn how we maintain the accuracy and timeliness of our material.

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