What Can We Do To Increase Chances Of Normal Delivery?
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What Can We Do To Increase Chances Of Normal Delivery?

Alisha Shaji
Updated on August 19, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Sreemoyee

5 min read
Normal delivery, also known as vaginal birth, is a natural process of labour through the birth canal of the women without opting for any surgical method.
This is widely accepted and preferred for a large section of women, considering the benefits which the child and the mom receive.
Wondering how to increase your chances of normal delivery? Mykare Health is here to help you.
In this blog, we will be discussing the benefits of normal delivery and how to increase its chance. Let’s dive in.
What are the Key Characteristics of Normal Delivery?
- Labour Phases: Normal delivery typically progresses through several stages of labour:
1.First Stage: A phase in which certain conditions like early labour, active labour, and the transition phase are included. First stage starts with the onset of regular contractions and ends when the cervix is dilated to 10 centimetres. 2.Second Stage: This is the phase when the child starts pushing from the mother's womb where the baby moves down the birth canal and is born. 3.Third Stage: A phase where the placenta is delivered after the baby is born.
- Sudden Onset: In certain Cases labour usually starts all of a sudden on its own without any medical help. It is a strong indication that the baby is ready to be born.
Pain Management in a Natural Way: Though medical pain relief options like epidurals are available, many women opt for natural methods such as breathing exercises, labour positions.
Shorter Time For Recovery : The time taken for recovery from a normal delivery is comparatively faster than that of a caesarean section. Mothers can often return to their regular activities sooner and experience less postpartum discomfort.
The Risks are Minimal: Normal delivery generally carries a lower risk of complications such as infections, blood clots, and longer hospital stays.

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What Are Benefits for the Babies Who Are Born Through Normal Delivery?
Babies born through normal delivery benefit from the physical process of passing through the birth canal, which can help expel fluid from their lungs and promote immediate bonding and breastfeeding.
So, yes you are right, one can increase the chances of natural birth by adopting certain steps like:
- Prenatal Care
- Healthy Diet
- Regular Exercise
- Staying Hydrated
- Managing Stress
- Avoid Harmful Substances
- Optimal Weight Gain
- Labour Support
- Birth Plale
- Avoid Elective Inductions
To elaborate on the topic in detail let me begin with the most crucial one which is nothing other than:
1.Prenatal Care It is advisable that the pregnant Ladies should have a regular check up with the health care professionals, so that the doctors can monitor the health of the baby as well as the mother.
So it is very necessary that the lifestyle of the women should be adapted with the diet, exercise and the meditation advocated by the doctor.
2.Healthy Diet It is said from olden days that women, especially the carrying women and the lactating ones , should have a balanced diet. It is also advised that they should consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Apart from this they should consume lean proteins and whole grain in order to stay healthy and fit.
3.Regular Exercise It is strictly advocated by the gynaecologists all over the globe that a pregnant woman should engage herself in pregnant friends' exercise like walking and practising mild yoga asanas.
As these activities help the people to maintain the fitness level and help the body to prepare for a vaginal birth.
4.Staying Hydrated It is known to all that water plays a key role in maintaining the mechanism of the body.
So it would be very helpful for the pregnant ladies to drink plenty of water through their pregnancy not only to stay hydrated but also to maintain the level of amniotic fluid.
5.Managing Stress It is also advisable that pregnant women should learn some stress relieving practices like breathing exercises.
6.Avoid Harmful Substances Strictly say no to cigarettes, alcohol and all sorts of drugs. If possible try the level best not to be even a passive smoker as it can increase the complexity of pregnancy.
7.Optimal Weight Gain Your goal should be in your ideal weight as advised by your healthcare professional because child birth and weight is closely interrelated.
8.Labour Support Find a companion who can assist you at the time of your labour. You can seek the help of anyone who is close to your heart but husband or your mother is highly recommended because it is easy to establish an emotional connection with them.
9.Birth Plan It is very important that you should develop a birth plan of your own and you should discuss it with your medical practitioner. It would help them to handle the situation with ease.
10.Avoid Elective Inductions Unless medically necessary, try to avoid elective inductions of labour. Allowing labour to begin naturally can increase the chances of a normal delivery
How to Manage Pain During Normal Delivery?
There are two methods to manage pain in a normal delivery:
- Natural Methods
- Medical Interventions
Natural Methods
- Breathing Techniques
- Meditation
- Visualisation
- Hydrotherapy
- Labour positions
Medical Interventions
- Epidural
- Spinal blocks
- Analgesics
Factors Affecting Normal Delivery
- Mothers Health
- Baby's Position
- Pelvic Size
- Pelvic Shape
- Previous Births
Preparing for normal delivery involves physical, mental, and educational aspects.
Following a balanced diet, practising appropriate exercise, and being in an ideal weight can help expectant mothers prepare for a smooth and successful delivery.
Normal delivery is a natural, effective, and preferred method of childbirth that benefits both mother and baby. Understanding the process and preparing adequately for birth enhance the likelihood of a positive birth experience.
Normal is the natural process of labour through the birth canal without opting for any surgical method.
Practising a healthy diet, being in the ideal state and doing physical exercise are the best ways to make the body prepare for normal delivery.
Say NO to cigars and alcohol.
Preparing for normal delivery requires physical, mental and educational aspects.
There are two methods to manage pain in a normal delivery: they are natural and medical methods.
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