Do’s and Don’ts After Varicose Vein Treatment
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Do’s and Don’ts After Varicose Vein Treatment

Updated on October 17, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Fazeela

6 min read
If you have recently undergone treatment for varicose veins, you can consider yourself fortunate that you have got rid of this problem.
You are on the way to better comfort and confidence. Though, the maintenance after treatment is an essential factor for fast and lasting relief from the discomfort felt.
This blog by Mykare Health presents the do’s and don’ts post treatment, must-follow guidelines that may guide any patient who has undergone varicose vein treatment on how to heal optimally.
Varicose Vein Treatment
Sclerotherapy, endovenous laser therapy (EVLT), and radiofrequency ablation are varicose vein treatments to eliminate the vein by closing it off, and rerouting the blood to better veins. After care is also important in order to determine that the treatment was effective and in order to reduce possible.
Post treatment measures are also crucial with an aim of ascertaining that the treatment has been effective and in addition to minimising possible.
1. Do Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions
Your doctor will then advise you on what to do after the treatment has been administered unto you. Some of the information may relate to when to put on the compression stockings, how to wash the area that has been treated and which activities should be averted. It is recommended that the following measures should be followed strictly if the recovery process has to be smooth.
2. Do Wear Compression Stockings
They are usually advised to be worn after treatment is completed. Implements assist with circulation, with bringing down inflammation, as well as aiding in the healing procedure. Use them as advised, usually for a couple of weeks after treatment especially in the daytime.
3. Do Stay Active
Avoid heavy activities for some hours but gentle movement is also recommended for sometime. I am also able to walk, thanks to which circulation is improved and the risk of complications minimised. Thus, it is advisable to make small and regular walks during the day to ensure continuable circulation of blood in your body.
4. Do Elevate Your Legs
Another thing that really helped to reduce the swelling and modulus raised is the elevation of the legs. Whenever possible, swallow lies down and elevate your legs above heart level for 15-30 minutes several times a day especially in the first week after treatment.
5. Do Monitor Your Symptoms
Make sure you’re also paying attention to how you feel you’re doing as well. Some degree of pain, bruising and swelling is acceptable after the procedure but if the situation worsens, goes for more severe pain, redness and other signs such as infection consult your doctor. In case of early diagnosis there are no severe effects that can result from the disease.

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Things to Avoid after varicose vein treatment
Typically, none can be done after the varicose vein treatment; however, there are some things that patients should avoid Doing the following
1. Do Not Ignore Your Subsequent Appointments
The follow-up appointments are important due to the ability to evaluate the progress of the treatment and the presence of complaints. Lack of these can slow down the healing process and result in some harm. Ensure to attend all follow ups visits as planned.
2. Do Not Participate In High Impact Activities
You should also minimise or stay away from activities that involve hardness such as high intensity exercises, heavy lifting and any rigorous task for at least one week or if advised by a doctor. Any exercise such as running or doing aerobics may exert much pressure on your new veins.
3. Don’t Ignore Discomfort
A certain amount of discomfort is to be expected, but anything more than that is not considered okay. It is, therefore, important to monitor your body and visit the doctor if the swelling becomes significant, or the skin color of the treatment region changes.
4. No Hot Bathing or Sauna Session
Do not take a hot bath, sauna or spend much time in hot environments, for at least one week after treatment. Heat increases blood flow; thus, heating makes blood vessels dilate as well as become swollen. One should avoid using hot water to bathe instead prefer taking a lukewarm bath.
5. Don’t Neglect Your Diet
Maintenance of a healthy diet assists you in recovering quickly. Do not take too much salt as this leads to swelling, major on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and reduced fats. Foods also rich in fibre are useful to treat constipations and thus reduce pressure on your veins on the body as well.
Some Additional Tips
1. Manage Pain and Discomfort
Some patients feel some discomfort at the treatment area, most common during the initial few days following the treatment. Ibuprofen, for example, may be used to reduce soreness; however, it is advised to speak to your physician before using anything on your body.
It is suggested that applied ice packs should be applied on the treated areas but should not directly be put into contact with the skin because it can minimise swelling and relief of discomfort if used periodically.
2. Maintain a Healthy Weight
High blood pressure also affects veins and added pressure is placed on them if a person is overweight. After the treatment process it is recommended to take care of your diet and consume adequate amounts of food and start exercising in order to maintain your weight under control and provide further support to your veins.
3. Keep Your Skin Moisturized
Conventional treatments for varicose veins may result in temporary dryness or itching at the spot where the treatment was applied. Applying a mild and preferably unscented moisturiser is beneficial for your skin but do not apply the machine on any wounds or treated places when they have not healed fully.
4. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking
To worsen the situation alcohol and smoking constricts the blood vessels through which blood has to circulate to deliver essential nutrients needed for the healing process. Exercising after treatment and avoiding smoking cessation and alcohol ameliorate recovery and can reduce the possibility of complications.
5. Ease Back to Normal Life People undergoing treatment sometimes feel exhaustive to immediately engage as they did before the treatment hence the need to give your body time to heal. Begin with easy exercises such as walking or practising gentle forms of yoga or stretching, and gradually do more of the exercises your doctor recommends.
6. Wear Loose and Comfortable Clothes
If you were helped by a medical procedure on your legs do not wear any clothing that may restrict the circulation of blood around the legs for the initial weeks following treatment. Shunning tight wear that hampers circulation especially on any part of the body that is to be treated.
Wear compression stockings to improve blood circulation and reduce swelling.
Stay active with light activities like walking to promote healing.
Elevate your legs regularly to minimise swelling.
Avoid prolonged sitting or standing, which can increase pressure on treated veins.
Refrain from heavy lifting and high-impact activities until fully recovered.
Skip hot baths, saunas, and hot tubs, as heat can disrupt healing.
Monitor for unusual symptoms, such as increased pain, redness, or swelling.