


Get Best Piles Treatment in Hyderabad: Find Top Doctors at Affordable Costs

Get Best Piles Treatment in Hyderabad: Find Top Doctors at Affordable Costs

Are you struggling with discomfort and pain caused by piles? Look no further! Mykare Health is your trusted partner in Hyderabad for advanced surgical techniques like laser surgery for effective piles treatment. Our specialised team of piles surgeons in Hyderabad provides precise care, ensuring your well-being at every stage of your treatment. Say goodbye to the distress caused by piles and regain your quality of life with our specialised piles treatment. Book an consultation with the best piles doctors in Hyderabad.


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What are Piles?

Piles, also commonly referred to as haemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed veins located in the anal canal. This condition can cause discomfort, pain, and even bleeding. Internal haemorrhoids are those that develop inside the anal canal. When left untreated or neglected, piles can lead to various undesirable effects. These can include dry skin, rashes, and in severe cases, piles of higher grades that may necessitate surgery. It is important to seek timely and appropriate treatment to address piles and prevent the condition from worsening.

treatment image

Identify the Signs of Piles

Signs of internal haemorrhoids include


Inflammation or itching in the anal area


Discharge of blood while passing stool


Swollen anus

Signs of external haemorrhoids include


Itching and discomfort in the anal area


Pain and bleeding while sitting down


Push through of a prolapsed hemorrhoid from the anal opening causing discomfort and irritation.

Understand the Causes of Piles

There is a wide range of factors that cause piles, both internal and external. Here are some of them. The most common causes of piles include

Piles Surgery Cause 1

Chronic constipation involves a struggle to pass stool putting extra strain on the blood vessel walls which can lead to piles.

Piles Surgery Cause 2

Too much time spent sitting down, especially while using the restroom, might result in haemorrhoids.

Piles Surgery Cause 3

It could be genetic as piles is a condition that certain people are prone to based on their family genes.

Piles Surgery Cause 4

Consuming foods deficient in fibre may make piles more likely.

Piles Surgery Cause 5

Lifting heavy objects repeatedly can result in the development of piles

Piles Surgery Cause 6

Anal sex can result in new haemorrhoids or make existing ones worse.

Types of Piles (haemorrhoids)

Internal haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are characterised by the presence of swollen veins deep within the rectum. Due to their location, they are not easily seen or felt, and they may produce minimal visible symptoms. Although internal haemorrhoids typically do not cause harm and tend to resolve on their own, larger ones can lead to symptoms such as bleeding, itching, and a burning sensation. In some cases, a noticeable bump near the anus may be felt, and bleeding during bowel movements can occur.

Prolapsed haemorrhoids occur when internal haemorrhoids protrude through the anus. The severity of the prolapse determines the grading: Grade I, Grade II, Grade III, and Grade IV.

External haemorrhoids, on the other hand, develop on the skin around the anus and are visible and palpable lumps. While they exhibit similar symptoms to internal haemorrhoids, external haemorrhoids are located outside the body, making their symptoms, including pain, more pronounced. For some individuals, these symptoms can interfere with daily activities such as sitting, exercising, or using the bathroom.

Thrombosed haemorrhoids refer to internal or external haemorrhoids that have developed a blood clot, known as a thrombus. This complication, if left untreated, can cause severe symptoms, including excruciating pain, burning, itching, redness, and swelling. While not life-threatening, immediate medical attention is required for thrombosed haemorrhoids. The primary treatment for this condition is a surgical procedure called a thrombectomy, which involves the removal and drainage of the blood clot inside the haemorrhoid.


Our Experts Explain

How can you prevent piles?

Eat meals high in fibre and plan for a fibre-rich diet.


Boost your intake of whole grains, fruits, and veggies. This will help you avoid the straining during bowel movements that can worsen piles.


Use some kind of stool softeners - natural and medicated ones that will keep the area lubricated and cause less pain and discomfort.

Benefits of Piles Laser Treatment

Types of surgery for piles in Hyderabad
Recommendations after piles surgery
What possible complications can you expect following piles surgery?
Complications of untreated piles
Piles treatment/surgery by experts in Hyderabad
Categorisation of the piles

Hemorrhoidectomy surgery : For individuals experiencing severe piles, Hemorrhoidectomy surgery is an ideal option. Our experienced surgeons make small incisions around the affected tissue, meticulously removing the haemorrhoids. By expertly tying up the enlarged veins, bleeding is effectively stopped. Rest assured, our focus is on providing a successful outcome while prioritising your comfort.

Stapler Piles Surgery : In cases where immediate relief and minimal discomfort are desired, Stapler Piles Surgery offers a promising solution. This innovative procedure involves using a stapler instrument to cut off the arterial blood vessels within the haemorrhoids, obstructing further blood flow. As a result, piles gradually diminish and eventually disappear. Our surgeons in Hyderabad excel in this technique, ensuring a swift recovery and enhanced patient comfort.

Laser Piles Surgery : With this advanced procedure, a focused laser beam is utilised to burn and reduce the size of the haemorrhoids. This approach minimises bleeding and discomfort during surgery, providing a superior experience for patients seeking efficient and effective treatment.

When it comes to your health, trust matters. Mykare Health is your reliable healthcare partner in Hyderabad, dedicated to providing the best possible care for piles. Our focus on cost-effective treatments, expert surgeons, and advanced surgical options ensures that you receive optimal care and desired results. Schedule a consultation today with nearest doctor for piles treatment in Hyderabad

Hemorrhoidectomy surgery : For individuals experiencing severe piles, Hemorrhoidectomy surgery is an ideal option. Our experienced surgeons make small incisions around the affected tissue, meticulously removing the haemorrhoids. By expertly tying up the enlarged veins, bleeding is effectively stopped. Rest assured, our focus is on providing a successful outcome while prioritising your comfort.

Stapler Piles Surgery : In cases where immediate relief and minimal discomfort are desired, Stapler Piles Surgery offers a promising solution. This innovative procedure involves using a stapler instrument to cut off the arterial blood vessels within the haemorrhoids, obstructing further blood flow. As a result, piles gradually diminish and eventually disappear. Our surgeons in Hyderabad excel in this technique, ensuring a swift recovery and enhanced patient comfort.

Laser Piles Surgery : With this advanced procedure, a focused laser beam is utilised to burn and reduce the size of the haemorrhoids. This approach minimises bleeding and discomfort during surgery, providing a superior experience for patients seeking efficient and effective treatment.

When it comes to your health, trust matters. Mykare Health is your reliable healthcare partner in Hyderabad, dedicated to providing the best possible care for piles. Our focus on cost-effective treatments, expert surgeons, and advanced surgical options ensures that you receive optimal care and desired results. Schedule a consultation today with nearest doctor for piles treatment in Hyderabad

Patients may be released from the hospital a day or two after having surgery for piles or haemorrhoids, which is typically performed in a day surgery center. One to two weeks after piles surgery, you can resume your normal activities, but it's advised that you avoid strenuous activities and avoid heavy lifting at that time. To prevent pain or bleeding while passing stools until the area around the anal sphincter heals, you may be advised to take stool softeners. Here are some recovery tips:

  • Keep your stools soft so they pass easily since this will help you avoid piles the best.

  • Consume fibre-rich meals. Eat more whole grains, fruits, and veggies. By doing this, the stool will soften and thicken, avoiding straining that could lead to piles. To avoid issues with gas, progressively incorporate more fibre into your diet.

  • Drink lots of water. To keep stools soft, drink six to eight glasses of water daily in addition to other liquids and avoid alcohol.

  • Go for fibre supplements. The average person's diet falls short of the 20 to 30 grams of fibre per day that are advised. Studies have demonstrated that over-the-counter fibre supplements like psyllium (Metamucil) or methylcellulose (Citrucel) reduce piles symptoms all around and reduce bleeding.

  • Take it easy. The lower rectum's veins are under more strain when you are trying to pass a stool while squeezing and holding your breath.

  • Exercise. Staying active can help prevent constipation and ease the pressure on veins that might develop from prolonged standing or sitting. Exercise can also aid in weight loss, which may aid in the treatment of your piles.

  • Limit your sitting time. Too much time spent sitting, especially on the toilet, might put more strain on the anal veins.

  • Get the right medication. Your doctor might recommend over-the-counter lotions, ointments, and suppositories if the pain from your piles is only modest. Witch hazel, hydrocortisone, and lidocaine are some of the components in these medications that temporarily ease pain and irritation. Avoid using over-the-counter steroid cream for longer than a week unless your doctor specifically instructs you to do so.

Patients heal well from the piles operation, and the surgery is rather common. However, a few uncommon issues might be as follows:

  • Infection at the location of surgery.
  • Discomfortable stool-passing
  • Affected organs, nerves, or nearby vessels may sustain damage.
  • Faecal incontinence as a result of sphincter muscle weakness.
  • Bleeding without control.
  • Recurrence

Piles can cause a few unusual complications -

  • Piles can lead to anemia, which is a condition in which your body lacks enough healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen to your cells. Internal haemorrhoids may become strangulated(blood supply to the area gets cut), which can be extremely painful.

  • A clot may occasionally develop in the hemorrhoid (thrombosed hemorrhoid). It is not harmful, although it can be very uncomfortable and sometimes needs to be lanced and drained.

We are dedicated to providing hassle-free laser piles surgery at the best facilities with individualised patient care. Mykare Health is a patient-centered, technology-driven healthcare service provider. A significant health issue could be present if you have piles/haemorrhoids or any other proctological illnesses. Meet with our skilled surgeons before the condition worsens and opt for a stress-free, highly advanced piles surgery at affordable prices. Your doctor might suggest one of the various minimally invasive piles procedures available if you have persistent bleeding or uncomfortable haemorrhoids. These procedures can normally be carried out with an anaesthetic in your hospital emergency room or another outpatient facility.

Rubber band ligation : To stop the circulation of internal haemorrhoids, the doctor wraps one or two thin rubber bands around the base of the growth. Within a week, the haemorrhoid dries out and peels off. An annoying side effect of hemorrhoid banding is bleeding, which may start two to four days after the piles treatment but is rarely severe. Sometimes, more severe issues can appear.

Injection (sclerotherapy) : Your doctor shrinks the hemorrhoid tissue by injecting a chemical solution into it. Although the injection is not painful, it might not be as effective as rubber band ligation.

Coagulation (infrared, laser) : The use of heat, infrared light, or lasers is a coagulation technique. They induce internal haemorrhoids that are tiny and bleeding to stiffen and shrink.

The grade of the piles is the criteria for providing a particular surgery. The price rises if the condition is exceedingly severe and cannot be treated with minimally invasive piles surgery. Following is an explanation of the various severity grades of piles to help you better understand how much the cost depends on this factor:

Grade I: In grade I the symptoms or causes include only bleeding, and no prolapse.

Grade II: Grade II causes include prolapse but spontaneous reduction.

Grade III: Prolapsed but has to be pushed inside.

Grade IV: In grade IV it remains prolapsed.

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Worried about the cost of piles treatment in Hyderabad?

Mykare Health finds you the most affordable prices for your piles treatment in Hyderabad. Even so, the exact cost is hard to pinpoint since your piles surgery cost depends on various factors such as age, medical history, type of surgery, etc. Call us today to get a personalised cost breakdown for your treatment.

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10 April, 2023
Prabhuindhra Rai
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13 June, 2023
Harshad Pisawadia
Harshad Pisawadia
Mykare Health, Pune

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10 April, 2023
Dileepkumar B
Dileepkumar B
Mykare Health, Chennai

My name is Bharath from Visakhapatnam. I want to convey my big thanks to Mykare team. They have done fantastic job. They are doing unique and brilliant service. I want to mention about 3 persons who helped me through out my journey with Mykare. 1. Vijay Kumar from Kochi he was really professional and very responsible he always used to follow up with me if status of my treatment. Congratulations and good job Vijay. 2. Vijay from Visakhapatnam he was assigned to me when I reached vizag for the treatment during this treatment he became like my own brother. Because of him I was able to have my surgery very peacefully. He always with me during my treatment he is working with 100% commitment and passion great job Vijay and thank you very much for being with me and helped me like my own brother. You are the best. All the best for your future. 3. Bhaskar he did his job really great from his level. Tq very much for the support. Finally great congratulations and wishing you a long and great journey to Mykare and team.

10 April, 2023
Inti Bharath
Inti Bharath
Mykare Health, Vizag

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