Following varicose vein surgery, it's important to adhere to your doctor's post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Here are some common recommendations
Walking: Engage in a 30-60 minute walk shortly after surgery to encourage blood flow.
Bruising: It's normal to have small bruises on your legs, which should fade in about two weeks.
Transportation: Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery.
Once home, you may be advised to
Ice application: Reduce swelling by applying an ice pack to the treated area for 15 minutes at a time.
Bandage care: Check the surgical areas daily. A small amount of light pink fluid on the bandage is normal.
Keep incisions dry: For the first 48 hours, avoid getting the incision areas wet; sponge baths are recommended until the bandages are removed.
Compression stockings: Wear them as advised to minimise swelling and prevent blood clots.
Avoid inactivity: Refrain from sitting or lying down for extended periods. When sitting, elevate your legs.
Avoid standing for too long: To prevent strain, avoid standing for prolonged periods.
Regular walks: Walk 10-20 minutes, three times a day, for one to two weeks.
Limit strenuous activities: Avoid running, jumping, or lifting heavy objects for at least a week or two, but keep moving.
Skip hot baths: Avoid soaking in hot baths for at least one to two weeks.
Pain management: Take over-the-counter pain relievers only as needed, following your doctor's advice. Some medications may increase bleeding.
Blood thinners: If you stopped taking blood thinners for the surgery, ask your doctor when to resume.
Consult your doctor immediately if you have
Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any of the following
Infection signs: Redness, warmth, or fluid leakage from the incision.
Increased swelling: If swelling worsens or new swelling occurs.
Severe discomfort: Any pain that interferes with daily activities.