Exercises to Prevent Varicose Veins
In This Article
Exercises to Prevent Varicose Veins

Updated on February 18, 2025

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Fazeela

5 min read
Varicose veins are enlarged and dilated cord-like structures subcutaneously, mainly caused by failure in venous blood return in the lower limbs. It may cause pain, stiffness and soreness in the affected area.
Fortunately, exercises that should be avoided are those that make the above symptoms worse and lead to worsening of the condition.
In this blog by Mykare Health, you will discover recommended exercises to avoid varicose veins, as well as other useful information on how to keep veins healthy.
This blog will also provide an insight into why exercise is important in relation to varicose veins.
Care to know this? Read on to know more.
Importance of Exercise
Staying active helps the blood circulate in your legs and the blood will not clot in the veins. Sitting down over a long period can weaken calf muscles and reduce the blood flow back up the legs—secondary to the heart.
Through adopting low impact exercises, you can promote circulation and significantly reduce or eradicate chances of getting varicose veins or having them worsen.
The Best Exercises to Avoid Varicose Veins
1. Walking
One of the basic activities as a preventive measure against development of varicose veins is walking. It exercises the lower part of the body, lowering the pressure of blood, and is not rigorous on the joints.
To gain some benefits, try to begin with 20 to 30 minutes of walking each day. It is quite gentle, helping to call for the calf muscles while boosting blood flow around the muscular tissues.
2. Calf Raises
As with all exercises, calf raises work on muscles found in the lower legs and the key aim of the exercise is to develop better circulation in the calf area.
To perform this exercise, stand with your feet flat to the floor, without bending your knees, slowly raise your heels off the floor, and then lower them back to the ground again. Do this for 10-15 repetitions with 3 cycles each.
3. Leg Lifts
Another simple exercise without the use of equipment is leg lift. Lay on the back; slowly bend one knee in order to bring the lower limb in a 45 degrees angle with the rest of the body. Wait for a few seconds then, before slowly bring the glass back down.
Conspicuity dancing for 30 minutes, 5 minutes rest, doing 10 stand repetitions with each leg, 3 sets of squats per leg to encourage blood to flow and to minimise pooling in the veins.
4. Bicycling
As with cycling while seated on a stationary bicycle, exercising by moving the bicycle in bed likewise helps promote circulation especially to the calf muscles. This exercise is easy on the veins and this gentle exercise can help tone your leg muscles.
5. Swimming
Swimming is one of the best full body exercises that is resistant without bearing much pressure on the legs. Water exerts less pressure on the veins and any associated movements aid in blood circulation and everything associated with circulation. The procedure is suitable for those who already have vein problems or those who are in search of a safe method to avoid varicose veins.
6. Yoga
Certain types of yoga exertions can enhance the flexibility, blood flow and blood return in the legs. Positions like the “Legs Up the Wall” (Viparita Karani) assists in the regulation of pressure that the veins settle at; it aids in actually forcing blood to flow back to the heart. Yoga classes can also recommend exercises that can reduce the pain felt with varicose veins.
7. Rocking Feet
This is an easy workout that may be done while seated. Stand facing the chair and familiarise yourself with proper posture; next, ground your feet to the floor and then slide your heels away from the chair. Now get your heels to the floor and raise your toes.
Perform this rocking motion for 10-15 minutes. This exercise could actually help minimise the exhaustion of the legs as well as the circulation of blood.

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Exercises to Avoid
If you are at risk for or already have varicose veins, you should also steer clear of activities that place a lot of pressure on the legs. This includes activities like
If the client is a runner or a jogger they should avoid these areas as they cause impact on the feet.
Lifting weights with a lot of weights
Squats and lunges
High Intensity aerobics
These exercises can make the condition worse, as pressure in the veins rises, and it becomes more difficult for the blood to rise from the lower extremities.
Additional Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Varicose Veins
1. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Being overweight puts extra pressure on your veins, especially in your legs. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.
2. Elevate Your Legs
Elevating your legs above your heart level several times a day can help reduce swelling and improve blood flow. This position allows gravity to aid in the return of blood to the heart, reducing pressure in the veins
3. Wear Compression Stockings
Compression stockings can help support your veins by applying gentle pressure to your legs, which encourages blood to flow upwards rather than pool in the lower limbs. They are particularly useful if you have a job that requires prolonged standing or sitting.
4. Stay Active Throughout the Day
If your job involves long periods of sitting or standing, take breaks to move around every 30 minutes. Even small movements like standing on your toes, bending your knees, or taking a short walk can prevent blood from pooling in your veins.
5. Avoid Tight Clothing
Tight clothing, especially around your legs and waist, can restrict blood flow. Opt for loose, comfortable clothes to avoid unnecessary pressure on your veins.
Low impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and cycling are best for preventing varicose veins.
Avoid high impact activities like running or weightlifting if you are prone to varicose veins.
Lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy weight, elevating your legs, and wearing compression stockings can help.
Incorporate leg specific exercises like calf raises and leg lifts to strengthen your calf muscles and improve circulation.
Always consult with a healthcare professional if you experience pain, swelling, or other symptoms that may indicate worsening varicose veins.