The approach used for your lipoma surgery will depend on the specific procedure. Your surgeon will consider your treatment goals, the location on your body that requires attention, and any previous liposuction procedures you might have undergone. Based on these factors, the surgeon will select the most suitable technique for your case.
Tumescent Liposuction: This type of liposuction is the most popular. It uses a sterile solution with a mix of saltwater, which helps remove fat, and lidocaine, an anaesthetic to reduce discomfort.
Liposuction with ultrasound assistance (UAL): Sometimes, alongside regular liposuction, a procedure called Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) is used. In UAL, the surgeon puts a metal rod under your skin that emits ultrasonic energy. This energy makes the fat cells burst, breaking down the fat so it can be removed more easily. A newer version of UAL called VASER-assisted liposuction also incorporates a device that can improve skin contouring and reduce the risk of skin damage.
Liposuction aided by laser (LAL): This procedure uses high-intensity laser light to remove fat. The surgeon makes a small skin incision and inserts a laser fibre to break down the fat deposits. Then, the fat is removed using a cannula.
Liposuction with power assistance (PAL): In this type of liposuction, a cannula moves rapidly back and forth. This vibrating motion helps the surgeon remove stubborn fat faster and more easily. The PAL method may also lead to less discomfort and swelling, enabling the surgeon to remove fat more precisely. If you've had liposuction before, your surgeon may choose to use this technique.