Resolving Gynecomastia without Surgery: What Are Your Options?

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Resolving Gynecomastia without Surgery: What Are Your Options?



Updated on February 06, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami

Gynecomastia without Surgery


6 min read

Are you curious as to whether gynecomastia can be dealt with non-surgically? Indeed, there is!

The focus of this guide is on extremely simple solutions with no complex processes.

Mykare Health is here to talk about things like workouts, dietary adjustments, and clever gimmicks that just might work.

So stay put if you're not into surgery but still want to feel amazing.

We're going to look at some easy, non-surgical techniques to boost your self-esteem! All set? Now let's move!

Gynecomastia Or ‘Man Boobs’

Gynecomastia, also referred to as "man boobs," is the development of breast tissue more than normal.

As the hormones required to support the growth of functional mammary glands are imbalanced, the fat surrounding breast tissues expands.

Gynecomastia can result from hormone imbalances. So, being overweight might cause your body to store more fat overall, including on your chest.

Research has indicated that gynecomastia affects 32 to 65 percent of guys. Targeting the underlying cause through nonsurgical methods including hormone therapy, medicine, and lifestyle modifications is the general goal of treatment.

Want to know more about them?

Let’s discuss the causes and non-surgical treatment options for gynecomastia in more detail.

##Causes of Gynecomastia

The primary sex hormone produced by the body in men at birth is testosterone. Additionally, it produces trace levels of the hormone oestrogen. When the body produces less testosterone than oestrogen, gynecomastia may result.

Conditions that reduce testosterone may be the cause of the decline. Alternatively, conditions that elevate the level of oestrogen can also be the cause.

The following are a few things that can alter the body's hormone balance:

1. Natural Variations In Hormones

Sex characteristics are governed by the hormones oestrogen and testosterone. Features like body hair and muscle mass are regulated by testosterone. Breast growth is one of the features that oestrogen regulates.

Gynecomastia can result from very high or unbalanced oestrogen and testosterone levels.

- Gynecomastia In Infants: The effects of oestrogen during pregnancy result in larger breasts in over half of male newborns after birth. After giving birth, the enlarged breast tissue normally fades away in two to three weeks.

- Gynecomastia During puberty: Gynecomastia occurs most commonly during this time due to hormonal changes. In most cases, the enlarged breast tissue disappears on its own in between six months and two years.

- Adult gynecomastia: Gynecomastia affects 24% to 65 % of men having an age range of 20 to 80. However, the majority of adult sufferers have no symptoms.

2. Medications

The following medications may result in gynecomastia:

  • Androgens and anabolic steroids to treat diseases that cause muscle loss or delayed puberty.
  • Antiretroviral medicines particularly efavirenz.
  • Amphetamine-containing ADHD medications, including Adderall.
  • Drugs that reduce anxiety. Eg: diazepam (Valium).
  • Tricyclic antidepressants

3. Health Issues

Gynecomastia can be brought on by or associated with a number of medical disorders that impact hormone balance. Among them are:

Hypogonadism: Gynecomastia has been associated with conditions that decrease the quantity of testosterone the body produces. Pituitary insufficiency and Klinefelter syndrome are two instances. growing older.

Ageing: Aging-related hormone changes can lead to gynecomastia, particularly in overweight individuals.

Tumours: Hormone-producing tumours have the ability to alter the body's hormonal equilibrium. These include tumours of the pituitary, adrenal, or testicular regions.

Remedies For Gynecomastia Without Surgery

Clothing ways for gynecomastia

Here are some suggestions for decreasing the visibility of your gynecomastia.

You should avoid clothings like :

  • Compression shirts
  • Form-fitting blouses
  • White tops

Adopt clothing styles like larger tops or tops with layers of designs, pinstripe suits with your top and bottom colours minimal contrasting

As needed, make lifestyle improvements.

Increased body fat can be attributed to certain lifestyle choices. Overweight individuals frequently have higher levels of body fat overall, especially around their chest, than non-overweight individuals. Because it increases the activity of the enzyme aromatase, excess body fat can also lead to decreased testosterone levels.

You can adopt the following lifestyle changes to raise your hormone levels:

  • Reduce the amount of alcohol consumption
  • Strive to stay away from stressful situations
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
  • Engage in moderate-intense aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes every week.
  • Have a focus on strengthening all major muscle groups.
  • Eat a balanced diet with a focus on minimally processed foods at least twice a week.

Diet Tips For Gynecomastia

You can ensure that your body has all the nutrients it needs to maximise the production of testosterone and help you reduce your body fat percentage by eating an overall balanced diet.

  • Particularly, crucial nutrients for the synthesis of testosterone include zinc, vitamin D, and protein. A few meals that may increase testosterone levels are tuna, oysters, and egg yolks.

  • Phytoestrogens are substances produced by some foods that act as oestrogen substitutes in the body.

  • Reducing the amount of foods high in phytoestrogens may help you have a better testosterone to oestrogen ratio. But more research is required to completely understand the impact of these substances in your body. Licorice root, soy, and legumes are three common phytoestrogen sources.

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Exercise Tips For Gynecomastia

The idea that working out more in one area of your body than another will help you shed fat there is untrue.

For instance, you would not lose more chest fat from pushups than you would from squats, even though both exercises burn the same amount of calories.

Adding extra aerobic activity to your workout routine will help you reduce your percentage of body fat overall. The duration, intensity, and length of your workouts are more crucial than the kind you perform.

You can engage in physical activities like swimming, brisk walking swimming, skating, dancing and skipping.

Pushups are a fantastic, equipment-free workout that will help you develop chest muscle. To gradually raise the difficulty, you might add weight, and increase the sets.

You have now explored non-surgical gynecomastia resolution. If you are looking for a simple path to self-confidence without surgery, these solutions can help you out in the journey.

Understanding these options enables you to make decisions that are in line with your comfort and preferences, whether those decisions involve focused exercises, lifestyle modifications, or medical procedures. Remember that the key is to determine what is most effective for you.

Key Takeaways

Gynecomastia, also referred to as "man boobs," is the development of breast tissue more than normal. As the hormones required to support the growth of functional mammary glands are imbalanced, the fat that surrounds expands breast tissue.

Natural variations in hormones, medications and other health issues are some of the causes of gynecomastia.

You can adopt a healthy lifestyle by including physical activities, a good diet and proper dressing options for dealing with it without surgery.

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