Recurrence of Gynecomastia After Surgery: Understanding the Risks

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Recurrence of Gynecomastia After Surgery: Understanding the Risks



Updated on February 06, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Pournami


5 min read

You've either undergone gynecomastia surgery or are considering it, is that correct? Fantastic! Let's talk about something crucial now: the likelihood that it will return. Rest assured—we've got you covered.

In this article, Mykare Health will discuss the reasons why gynecomastia may recur following surgery along with solutions. It all comes down to being aware of the risks so that you can plan ahead and remain vigilant. Are you prepared to jump right in? Come on, let's go!

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the medical term for men having larger-than-normal breast tissue. If you're a man dealing with this problem, you can choose to have a specific kind of surgery to address it- Gynecomastia surgery. The primary objective of this procedure is to remove the excess skin and breast tissue that has accumulated.

Furthermore, some men could decide to get liposuction. This is another procedure to help reduce any excess fat in the breast area. Well, even if you do the surgery, there are chances that it recurs.

Factors Leading To ‘Man Boobs’ Recurrence

If you have undergone male breast reduction surgery to treat gynecomastia, you should be mindful of the potential recurrence of your "man boobs." Now let's examine some of the key elements that may affect your procedure's long-term success:

1. Increased Weight

Gaining a lot of weight might cause the fat cells that remain after gynecomastia surgery to expand, even though the fat cells that are removed are permanently gone.

This may result in the formation of new fat cells in other areas of your body in addition to the treated location. Therefore, it's critical to keep your weight steady after surgery. Maintaining a regular exercise routine and eating a balanced diet will help greatly in preventing the recurrence.

2. Marijuana Usage

It's interesting to note that marijuana use is a major contributing factor to the development of enlarged male breast tissue, especially in men between the ages of 18 and 35.

Marijuana use can increase the production of oestrogen, the hormone primarily responsible for the growth of breast tissue, as well as cause a decrease in testosterone levels. This hormonal imbalance can ultimately result in the return of excess breast tissue, so it's best to avoid marijuana use if you want to maintain the results of your male breast reduction procedure.

3. Undiagnosed Medical Conditions

Pseudogynecomastia is another condition that can cause enlarged male breasts to occur again. Unlike true gynecomastia, which involves an excess of both glandular tissue and skin, pseudogynecomastia is characterised by the accumulation of fat over the breast area.

If you notice the return of ‘man boobs’ after your surgery, it may be worth investigating whether you actually have pseudogynecomastia.

For this condition, liposuction aimed at removing fat is generally more appropriate than gynecomastia surgery, which focuses on removing excess skin and glandular tissue.

4. Managing Swelling After Gynecomastia

Surgery Swelling is a standard part of the healing process after undergoing gynecomastia surgery. It’s one of the most common side effects you’ll experience as your body begins to recover. This is completely normal and is often a sign that your body is working to heal the surgical area.

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Risks Of Gynecomastia Surgery

Like any medical procedure, gynecomastia surgery carries some risk. In order to make wise selections, it is imperative that you comprehend these well.

1. Disease

Getting an infection where the surgeon made incisions is one risk. But don't worry too much—the prescribed medication will manage the condition and ensure your well-being.

2. Scarring

The areas where the incisions were made may remain scarred after surgery. They normally go away with time, much like a scratch mending, but it's important to know they could.

3. Modifications in Feeling

After surgery, your skin or nipple may feel different. It feels similar to your foot falling asleep, but as you heal, this usually gets better.

4. Asymmetry

You might not get the same exact look in your chest on both sides following surgery. Similar to having one shoe slightly different than the other, it's something to be mindful of but not a huge concern.

5. Blood Clots

Rarely, blood clots may occur. Don't worry, though; after surgery, doctors will take precautions to avoid this, such as making you move around.

6. Fluid Deposition

Fluid may occasionally pool behind the skin. Physicians can readily handle this if it occurs. It's critical to keep in mind that these are hypotheses, not absolutes. Your surgeon will go over everything with you, take precautions to reduce these risks, and monitor your comfort level the entire time.

As Mykare has discussed the possibility of gynecomastia reoccurring following surgery, understand that there is a slight chance. So try not to worry too much. Being aware of the risks such as infection or mood swings allows you to be ready.

Your surgeon is prepared to handle any situation, much like your superhero. You remain in control of your care whether you've had surgery already or are considering it. Keep yourself informed and communicate with your medical staff. Here's to smiling in the face of uncertainty and taking bold action!

Key Takeaways

Gynecomastia is the medical term for men having larger-than-normal breast tissue.

If you're a man dealing with this problem, you can choose to have a specific kind of surgery to address it- gynecomastia surgery.

If you have undergone male breast reduction surgery to treat gynecomastia, you should be mindful of the potential recurrence of your man boobs.

Gaining a lot of weight might cause the fat cells that remain after gynecomastia surgery to expand, even though the fat cells that are removed are permanently gone.

Marijuana use is a major contributing factor to the development of enlarged male breast tissue. It is especially in men between the ages of 18 and 35.

Pseudogynecomastia is another condition that can cause enlarged male breasts to occur again.Unlike true gynecomastia, pseudogynecomastia is characterised by the accumulation of fat over the breast area.

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