Masturbation: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Myths, FAQs

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Masturbation: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Myths, FAQs



Updated on November 09, 2023

Medically verified by Dr. Arya

Fact checked by Dr. Sharon

masturbation benefits


8 min read

While conversations about sex are kept hush-hush, masturbation is often banished even further to the status of a ‘guilty pleasure’. Add to that, all the myths surrounding the habit such as it being a ‘men’ thing, or only for single folks, etc. It’s no wonder people shy away talking about or exploring masturbation as a part of their sexual life.

So, let’s clear the air once and for all. Masturbation is a completely normal, fun and healthy activity. It’s a great way to feel pleasure, explore your body and release any pent-up sexual tension.

In fact, it’s not just about self-pleasure. Masturbation has plenty of health benefits, when done in moderation, like better sleep, a more active immune system, and lower levels of stress and anxiety.

It gets even better. Most of the myths you’ve heard about masturbation and its side effects are just that, myths. That is, it has no physical side effects if you’re aware of your body’s limits and aren’t overexerting yourself.

We’ll talk in detail about all of this and more, before finally answering some common queries or concerns people may have about masturbation.

Masturbation is the act of stimulating your genitals or other sensitive areas of your body for sexual pleasure. It is a completely normal and healthy part of your sexual life and is a great way to explore your body and release any built-up sexual tension.

Masturbation has no physical side effects when done in moderation. In fact, it has some perks beyond pleasure and satisfaction. Let’s explore what they are.

Health Benefits of Masturbation

1. Better sleep

According to studies, having an orgasm before bed can help you sleep better and fall asleep more quickly. You can thank the hormones oxytocin, vasopressin, and prolactin for that.

You get a relaxing feeling from oxytocin and endorphins. They are connected to the hormone melatonin's release as well, which controls our body clock. The release of prolactin is associated with the experience of sexual satisfaction and has also been found to increase during sleep.

2. Relieves stress and anxiety

Masturbation can be a powerful stress-buster. Your body releases endorphins during the act and these feel-good chemicals that can lift your mood and help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, the release of oxytocin during orgasm can promote a sense of relaxation, leaving you feeling more at ease.

So, if you've had a tough day or are just feeling a bit overwhelmed, some quality alone time might be just what the doctor ordered.

3. Sexual satisfaction and pain relief during pregnancy

Masturbation can act as a natural painkiller, with research finding that headaches that came with migraines and cluster headaches had improved after sexual activity. This is down to the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers.

Other studies have found that women experienced lower pain sensitivity and high pain tolerance during sexual activities, including masturbation. This means self-pleasure can also help women get relief from pregnancy symptoms like lower back pain.

Additionally, during pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to increased sexual desire. Masturbation is a safe and healthy way to relieve sexual tension during this time.

4. Lower risk of prostate cancer

Genetics, along with lifestyle choices like diet, have been found to have a significant impact on the risk of prostate cancer. The amount of sexual activity a man engages in is one of the lifestyle factors associated with this cancer's risk.

In men, frequent ejaculation was associated with a lower risk, according to a Harvard study. In comparison to men who reported having 4–7 ejaculations per month, those who had 21 or more ejaculations per month had a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer.

5. Improved Sex Drive and Sexual Function

Masturbation isn't just about self-pleasure; it can also be seen as a form of exercise for your pelvic floor muscles. Stronger pelvic muscles can lead to more intense orgasms during sexual intercourse.

Masturbation triggers the release of hormones that regulate your libido or sex drive. It can also help you understand your sexual preferences and boundaries better.

6. Boosted Immune System

One surprising benefit of masturbation is that it can boost your immune system. Studies have shown that sexual activity, including masturbation, can lead to higher white blood cell activity. These cells play a key role in defending your body against infections.

While it's not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, this can certainly be seen as a bonus of this natural and enjoyable activity.

Potential Side Effects of Masturbation

We have talked about how masturbation is a normal and healthy activity, with quite a few perks to it. But, any activity done in excess is going to have its consequences. Masturbation is no different, with side effects that include fatigue, soreness, compulsive behaviour and lower sexual sensitivity. Let’s see how to deal with some of these side effects.

1. Fatigue, irritation or injury:

Engaging in vigorous or prolonged masturbation without proper lubrication may cause friction, leading to discomfort or chafing in the genital area. Using a water-based lubricant can effectively prevent this.

If you find yourself experiencing soreness or increased sensitivity in the genital region after intense or prolonged masturbation, taking a break or using a gentler approach can help alleviate this discomfort.

Feeling tired or temporarily weak after particularly intense or prolonged masturbation sessions is generally a passing sensation and not a cause for undue concern. Prioritising rest, and proper nutrition can help relieve these symptoms.

Using rough or forceful masturbation techniques, or employing objects not intended for sexual use, may lead to genital injuries like abrasions, cuts, or bruising. Use safe and appropriate techniques and tools to prevent injury.

2. Sexual and relationship issues

In rare cases, excessive masturbation or specific techniques/devices may lead to temporary desensitisation or difficulty in experiencing sexual pleasure. This is typically a passing concern that resolves with time. It’s best to reduce the frequency and intensity of masturbation in such a situation.

Excessive masturbation can also affect intimacy, if it replaces or worsens sexual moments with your partner. While self-pleasure is a healthy and normal part of your sexual life, it’s always important to openly communicate about your sexual desires and needs with your partner.

3. Addiction and interfering with daily activities:

Although rarely, some people may develop an addiction or compulsive feelings to masturbate. They may find it hard to practise self-control, eventually leading to the habit interfering with daily routine.

This could also mean feeling less interested in one’s usual hobbies, activities or relationships. Such a situation could also begin to affect their social life, and seeking professional help is recommended if so.

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Debunking Myths About Masturbation

Myth: Frequent masturbation can reduce sperm count, leading to infertility.

Fact: Masturbation, even when done regularly, does not significantly affect sperm count. In fact, your body continually produces sperm, and old sperm are regularly replaced by new ones. If you're trying to conceive, regular ejaculation through masturbation or sexual intercourse can actually help by ensuring that your sperm are fresh and healthy.

Myth: Masturbation can negatively impact romantic relationships, implying that if someone masturbates, they're unsatisfied with their partner.

Fact: Masturbation is a normal part of human sexuality and does not necessarily reflect dissatisfaction with a partner. In healthy relationships, open communication about sexual desires and needs is crucial. Many couples find that sharing their self-pleasure experiences can actually enhance their intimacy and connection.

Myth: Masturbation can lead to mental and emotional issues, like depression or anxiety.

Fact: There is no scientific evidence to suggest that masturbation leads to mental health issues. Masturbation can actually have a positive impact on your mood and emotional well-being by releasing feel-good hormones like endorphins.


1. Are there any side effects of masturbating daily?

Masturbating daily is generally considered safe for most individuals. But, overdoing it may lead to physical discomfort, soreness or fatigue. Always follow your body’s signals and take it easy if you notice these side effects.

2. Can masturbation cause erectile dysfunction?

No, masturbating regularly does not cause erectile dysfunction. In fact, it actually increases healthy blood flow to the genital area, which can improve sexual function.

3. Can masturbation affect sexual sensitivity?

Typically, masturbation does not result in a decrease in sexual sensitivity. However, it's important to be mindful of using too much force or rough techniques as they might cause temporary desensitisation. Try to approach self-pleasure with gentleness and care.

4. Can excessive masturbation lead to infertility?

No, excessive masturbation does not lead to infertility. The human body continually produces sperm and regular ejaculation through either masturbation or sexual intercourse only helps in maintaining sperm health.

5. Is it OK to masturbate when you’re already in a relationship?

Yes, it is entirely normal and healthy to masturbate even when you are involved in a committed relationship. Masturbation is a personal aspect of your sexuality and does not necessarily mean you are dissatisfied with your partner or vice versa.

Key Takeaways

Masturbation involves self-stimulation for sexual arousal or pleasure and is a natural part of human sexuality.

Masturbation releases endorphins and oxytocin, natural stress-relievers, providing a way to unwind and feel relaxed.

It promotes relaxation and contributes to better sleep by releasing tension and positively influencing our body clock.

Masturbation strengthens pelvic floor muscles and helps to regulate your sex drive, enhancing overall sexual satisfaction.

It releases natural painkillers (endorphins) and helps alleviate discomfort associated with cramps, headaches, and muscle tension.

Studies suggest that sexual activity, including masturbation, can lead to increased white blood cell activity, boosting your immune system.

Masturbation, even when done regularly, does not significantly impact sperm count and is not a cause of infertility.

Masturbation is a normal part of human sexuality and does not necessarily indicate dissatisfaction with a partner.

There is no concrete scientific evidence linking masturbation to mental health issues. In fact, it can have a positive impact on mood and emotional well-being.

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